Exit Interview Tips: Knowing the Dos and Don’ts


Leaving your job entails an exit interview. It’s part of the process—a courtesy to inform your employer of the reason behind your resignation. Sure, you don’t want to be anxious during your exit interview. So before you go through this process, know first the exit interview tips. These will help you have a safe transition.

It’s a few days before your last day at work.

You’re setting things up for your new venture.

You’re excited. You’re thrilled. You start peeking through the slightly opened door to your dream.

On the other hand, you’re nervous. You’re asking yourself, “Will it go according to my plan?”

But before you worry about it, you first need to face the human resource manager for an exit interview. Now, it’s time to say your last words to your boss.

Here are the exit interview tips you can use to make things beneficial to both parties.

Exit Interview Dos:

1. Act professionally

It’s fine to leave due to personal reasons. It doesn’t mean you should disclose everything about your plans. Just give them a glimpse. But if the reason involves company- and work-related issues, state them on a professional tone. Present concrete information, which then brings you to the next exit interview tip.

2. Present specific information

The purpose of exit interviews is to know your reason for leaving. Thus, be specific about it. Is it because of the toxic environment? Do you think you deserve a salary raise? If the latter is your case, resolve it with a proper approach. Before you ask for it, arm yourself first with these salary increase tips.

3. Provide constructive criticism

Do you see something about the management that needs to be addressed? Present a constructive criticism. Remember: Criticism becomes sweet if it’s done with the right motive. Are your teammates having a hard time following unreasonable company rules? Offer feedback and give suggestions.

Exit Interview Don’ts:

1. Say petty reasons

These exit interview tips give you valuable insights. Thus, these help you assess what’s valid for both sides. Having an annoying coworker or a dull workstation as your reason for leaving is trivial. Also, being tired of your job is not a valid reason. Resolve this issue through these work-life balance tips. Know that it’s how you manage stress in all aspects of life. Surely, you’ll still experience stress in your new venture.

2. Make a complaint

Complaining doesn’t only annoy your employer—it also ruins yourself. It wears off your ability to appreciate the good things that had happened during your stay. Your company isn’t perfect, so are you. Even if you look for a perfect company all the days of your life, you’ll never find one. If the reason for your resignation is coming from their part, refer to number 3 of exit interview dos. Otherwise, don’t complain about your status quo.

3. Boast about your new job

Whether it’s a new job or a business you’re having soon, don’t go overboard on making comparisons. Instead, just emphasize its relevance to your goals. This could be a higher pay or greater opportunities for professional and personal growth.

Are You Now Ready to Apply the Exit Interview Tips?

Exit Interview Tips: Getting Ready for Your New Pursuit

Taking heed of these dos and don’ts during exit interviews will build you up. It will strengthen your professionalism. In addition, it’ll give you the chance to voice out whatever significant issues you may have about your employer.

On the other hand, the importance of exit interview to the company is to identify the patterns of employee turnover. These data help them determine the reasons why employees leave. In fact, TalentLyft reveals that 91% of the Fortune 500 companies conduct exit interviews. It’s because these allow them to discover company issues and create solutions to improve retention rates.

Are you now ready to flip the page? It’s time to safely close the door with your employer through these exit interview tips. Whether it’s a new career or any other venture, equip yourself with these 5 success tips. Most successful people learned to build these habits. So, employ these tips and go chase your own dreams.

Sources: thebalancecareers.com | forbes.com | talentlyf.com